Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year

Dear parents,

Hope you have had a restful and fulfilling summer. Below you will find the supplies needed for your child to have a successful school year in my class. This academic year I will be teaching reading and social studies  for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade , I am also the homeroom teacher for 2nd grade.  It’s imperative that your child/children have their school supplies by the first day of school, September 9th

  Reading for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade;
- One marble notebook- will also be used for vocabulary ( spiral will not be accepted)
- two folders ( (one will stay in school for the collection of class work( test, projects) and the other is for homework, messages to parents etc,) – pockets must be at the bottom not the sides.

Social Studies for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade;
- One marble notebook- will also be used for vocabulary ( spiral will not be accepted)
- two folders  (one will stay in school for the collection of class work( test, projects) and the other is   for homework, messages to parents etc,) – pockets must be at the bottom not the sides.

General Supplies ( supplies that will be used in class as well as their other classes, DON'T NEED TO BUY TWICE)
- pencils- 2 will be collected from each student and stored in case they find themselves without a pencil in class. These two can be labeled with their name with a piece of tape.
- erasers
- looseleaf- students use a lot of looseleaf as it's used for daily assessments and homework
- color pencils or crayons ( no markers)
- glue stick
- bag to keep pencils, erasers and sharpener in
- bag for color pencil or crayons and glue stick
- construction paper- this can be kept at home until told to bring in.

2nd grade homeroom;
  • 2-Family size tissue box 
  • 2-A roll of paper towel
  • 2-One container of bleach wipes
  • A hand sanitizer container
  • A ream of xerox paper
  • $5 for Superkids white board

* Second graders switch between the three teachers, even though we are on the same floor, the students must take the books for math, science, ELA and Religion with them. Therefore a book back with wheels might not be such a bad idea. Just a suggestion. 

Below are some rules that must be followed to have a successful school year;
  •  Students must be in homeroom by 8 am, if not they will have to get a late pass.
  • Proper school uniform must be worn at all times.
  • Homework, assignments, and reminders will be posted on the blog , so it must be checked regularly-
  • Appointments to see teachers can be made through the office. No walk ins.  

On September 5th, there will be a parent meeting at 6pm, I look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have.  Enjoy the last couple weeks of summer vacation!

Mrs. Bagley