Next week students will be taking their final exams that will cover all of the material from September to now. This is why I told the students to save the exams that had already gone home, so they could be used to study. This week more papers will be sent home and a study guide will be posted.
-Monday , June 10
- HW: Read " Deep Down" pages 6-9 and answer the following questions on looseleaf, questions and answers.
1. Where did the explorers find Glowworm Cave?
2. What did the explorers do when they found a stream flowing into the cave?
3. What did the explorers first use for light?
4. •Why wouldn't there be any natural light in the cave?
5. Where did the hundreds of lights reflecting on the underground river come from?
- Wednesday, June 12
- HW: Study for finals.- Study guide will be posted tonight, but your child can start studying all the test/ quizzes from September to now, that your child has been given.
- Friday , June 14
- No school
- Monday , June 10
- HW: Phonics page 80, 83 and 84.
- Social studies notes for those not in class today : CLICK HERE FOR NOTES
- Tuesday, June 11
- Notes from class for whoever didn't finish or wasn't there: CLICK HERE FOR NOTES
- Wednesday, June 12
- HW: Finish classwork, comparing communities page 171 A-C in SS notebook, questions and answers.
Study guide will be posted tonight, but your child can start studying all the test/ quizzes from September to now, that your child has been given.
- Friday , June 14
- No school
-Monday , June 10
- HW: SS- Finish reading chapter 10, unit 1 pages 244-245 and answer questions #1-4 from Think about it section on looseleaf, questions ans answers.
- Wednesday, June 12
- HW: SS- page 309 # 1-4 on looseleaf Question and answers.Study guide will be posted tonight, but your child can start studying all the test/ quizzes from September to now, that your child has been given.
- Friday , June 14
- No school
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