Monday, September 16
- HW: SS- Students will have to discuss a tradition they have in their family or one that they would like to get started. Please speak to them about this, so they can contribute in class discussion. Also choose a group from the list we made in class and explain why you like to be part of that group or like being part of the group. On looseleaf in more than 2 sentences, no more than 4.
Tuesday, September 17
Wednesday, September 18- GYM
HW: Explain your tradition , which you shared in class yesterday in writing. Use details.
Phonics book page: 221- the whole page and in the book.
Thursday, September 19- Art( send smock or big shirt to cover their uniform)
Friday, September 20
Quiz: Reading quiz covering covers vocabulary words (check your child's notebook, list of words is in the lesson plan) reading comprehension, vowels, understanding initial , medial and final consonants.
Vocabulary words
1. perseverance: the ability to get through hard times. Ex. Falling of bike and still trying to learn and finally learning.
2. pretended: to act as if something else is happening or of you are someone else.
3. non-fiction: text that tells about a real person, place or thing.
4. fiction: text that tells about something not real.
5. authors purpose: reason for why author wrote the text. Ex. information, entertainment and persuasion.
6. critter: an animal.
7. gadget: small tool or device use to do a task.
8. robot : a machine with moving parts controlled by a computer.
9. synonyms: words that mean the same thing. Ex. odd, weird and awkward.
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