1-Module Topic: How Books are Brought to Children Around the World
Vocabulary words: non-fiction, flourish, dialects, gist, passel, stumbled, cupboard, abuzz, obstacles, climate.
- identify the main message or lesson of a story using key details from the text.
- answer questions using specific details from the text.
- determine the main idea of an informational text.
2B-Module Topic:Learning about Culture through Literary and Informational Texts
-answer questions using specific details from literary text.
-can retell a story using key details from the text.
-identify the main message or lesson of a story using key details from the text.
-use information from illustrations (maps, photographs) to understand informational texts.
-identify the main message or lesson of a story using key details from the text.
-explain how an illustration contributes to the story (e.g., mood, tone, character, setting).
-determine the meaning of unknown words in an informational text.
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary Words: Click here for module 1-2 vocabulary words
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary Words: Click here for module 1-2 vocabulary words
3-Module Topic:Wolves in Fiction and Fact
Vocabulary words: disguised, cunning, seized, unpleasant, lurked, devised, sequence, collaborative discussion, contribute, engage.
-Quizzes given back
-review the skill of reading and determining the gist of each paragraph
-rereading sections of text based on the questions.
-analyzing word meaning and determining word meaning using context clues.
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 3 vocabulary words
-Quizzes given back
-review the skill of reading and determining the gist of each paragraph
-rereading sections of text based on the questions.
-analyzing word meaning and determining word meaning using context clues.
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 3 vocabulary words
4-Module Topic:The Role of Freshwater around the world
-Quizzes given back
-review the skill of reading and determining the gist of each paragraph
-.answering questions using text evidence
-answering questions using the RAPP method
-determining the main idea and supporting details of a paragraph/text
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 4 vocabulary words
-Quizzes given back
-review the skill of reading and determining the gist of each paragraph
-.answering questions using text evidence
-answering questions using the RAPP method
-determining the main idea and supporting details of a paragraph/text
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 4 vocabulary words
Vocabulary words: oceans, symbols, hemisphere, continent, directions, globe, south pole, north pole, map key, map scale
-identify the parts of a map
-identify the 7 continents
-identify the 5 oceans
2B-Module Topic:
Vocabulary words: bankruptcy, tsunami, profit, sovereign, geography, currency, disaster, sue, invest, population.
-understand the facts of Japan
-be able to explain the cultural facts about Japan (notes to come as module is not complete)
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 1-2 vocabulary words
3B-Module Topic:
Vocabulary words: minority, term, developing countries, industry, auction, segregation, mission, Civil Rights Movement, investigated, prejudice.
-Information on important African American people we learned about this module. See below
Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 3 vocabulary words
4-Module Topic:
Vocabulary words: bronze, medal, motivation,conserve, product, goal, hall of fame, adrift, glacier, coastline, lowland, regions, tundra, hardiness, interactive, planting zone, temperature.
-Know about Canada's geography
-how does the temperature affect people in Canada
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words:Click here for module 4 vocabulary words
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