1- Module Topic: Haudenosaunee
1- Module Topic: Haudenosaunee
Vocabulary words:Nonfiction, Gustoweh, democratic, treaty, Informational text, traditions,sidebar, grindstone,smallpox, reservations.
-determine the main idea using specific details from the text.
-answer questions using evidence from the text.
-make connections between texts, visuals, and oral presentations.
2B- Module Topic:Animal defense mechanism
Vocabulary words: retch, oozes, decaying,inflating,sluggish, defense,summarize,contorts,impersonates,habitats
- explain what a text says using specific details from the text.
- make inferences using specific details from the text.
- interpret information presented through charts or graphs.
Vocabulary words:Click here for module 1-2 reading vocabulary words
3B- Module Topic:Animal defense mechanism
Vocabulary words: surrender, massacre,harsh,perspectives, justify,emancipation,tories,delegates,Enlisted,fleet,
-review the skill of reading and determining the gist of each paragraph
-rereading sections of text based on the questions.
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 3 vocabulary words
4- Module Topic: Susan B. Anthony, the Suffrage Movement, and the Importance of Voting
Vocabulary words: unrest, in vain, influential, reluctantly, verdict, merely, restricted, qualifications, repealed, primary source, indicted, exercised, lawful, devoting, picketing, venture
-explain what a text says using specific details from the text.
-make inferences using specific details from text.
-Vocabulary words from the module,if not in your notebook word and definition can be found in the link below.
Vocabulary words: Click here for module 4 vocabulary words
1- Module Topic:New York State, NYC and Local regions Native American Indians of New York ( Chapter 1 and 2)
Vocabulary words:Prehistory,confederacy,archaeologist, Hiawatha,Iroquois Confederacy,political,historical map, tributary,artifacts, port, longhouses, heritage,Mohawk River,nonrenewable and renewable resources
-Identify and contrast the various types of maps ( G4-G11)
-know difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources and example of each (Chapter 2)
-Explain the causes of the Iroquois confederacy.(Chapter 3, lesson 3)
*All social studies vocabulary words are in notebook and in the textbook
2- Module Topic: Three Worlds meet in America (Chapter 3 and chapter 4 lesson 1)
Vocabulary words:Christopher Columbus, Giovani da Verrazano, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson, colony, tax, tenant farmer, merchant, government, patrons, colonist, American Revolution, Battle of Yorktown, Battle of Saratoga, George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Patriots, loyalist, Declaration of Independence
-Describe the government that the Native Americans began after the confederacy(Chapter 3, lesson 3)
-Describe the power that women had in the Native American government system(Chapter 3 lesson 3)
-understand and explain the importance of the Declaration of Independence (p.116)
-difference between patriots and loyalist (Chapter 4)
-the causes of the American Revolution (chapter 4)
*All social studies vocabulary words are in notebook and in the textbook
3- Module Topic: A New Nation
Vocabulary words:constitution, capital, Big Tree Treaty, War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent, frontier,industry, toll, stock, famine, representatives, canal, bank, Buttonwood Agreement, convention, ratify, Wall Street, NY Stock Exchange.
-What does a bank do?
-How do stocks work?
-What were the causes of the War of 1812?
-What were the changes in the early 1800's?
-How did transportation and the Industrial Revolution change the way people lived in the early 1800's?
*All social studies vocabulary words are in notebook and in the textbook
4- Module Topic: A New Century
Vocabulary words:ration, New deal, Great Depression, subway, Mary McLeod, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Civilian Conservation Corps. Works progress Administration, suspension bridge, hydroelectric power, allies, neutral, amendment, central powers, Great migration, Harlem Renaissance, rural, labor union, strike, tenement.
-What was the Great Depression?
-What caused the Great Depression?
-Explain what the New Deal Program is and what it includes.
-How did NY help during World War I ?
-What caused the United States to enter WWI?
-Explain what immigrants would go through once they reached Ellis Island.
*All social studies vocabulary words are in notebook and in the textbook
-What was the Great Depression?
-What caused the Great Depression?
-Explain what the New Deal Program is and what it includes.
-How did NY help during World War I ?
-What caused the United States to enter WWI?
-Explain what immigrants would go through once they reached Ellis Island.
*All social studies vocabulary words are in notebook and in the textbook
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