Monday, December 17, 2012

Second grade lesson plans for week of December 17-21

HW: Reading- use the words below and write the word and definition three times in reading notebook.
magazine: a publication that appears regularly containing stories and articles.

issue: something printed or sent out to be read.

article: a piece of writing that is part of a magazine.

theme: the main subject or idea.

caption: writing that describes an image (picture).

Wednesday 12/19

Thursday 12/20
Reading quiz week 5

Friday 12/21
- Christmas Carols/ class party
Social studies quiz week 5

- On Friday the students will have Christmas Carols in Church. Parents are welcomed.
Students must wear dress clothes , NO JEANS OR SNEAKERS.
Also we will have a class party afterwards, please send $5.  

Social studies vocabulary words
Unit 2 week 4/5
1. Goods: things that people make or grow.
2. Services: something useful that people do for others.
3. flowchart: a chart that shows the order in which things happen.

Reading vocabulary words: * #4-10 from last week are still being used this week.
4. pride: the pleasure or satisfaction in something you have done.
5. valuable:useful or helpful.
6. endangered species: : a kind of plant, animal or other living thing that may soon become extinct.
7. predator: : an animal that lives by killing and  eating other animals.
8. migration: the act of going from one region  to another when the seasons change.
9. train:to make someone skillful by teaching and practice.
10. an action done many times to gain skill.

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